
img2pose: Face Alignment and Detection via 6DoF, Face Pose Estimation

We propose real-time, six degrees of freedom (6DoF), 3D face pose estimation without face detection or landmark localization. We observe that estimating the 6DoF rigid transformation of a face is a simpler problem than facial landmark detection, …

Is Face Recognition Sexist? No, Gendered Hairstyles and Biology Are

Recent news articles have accused face recognition of being "biased", "sexist" or "racist". There is consensus in the research literature that face recognition accuracy is lower for females, who often have both a higher false match rate and a higher …

How Does Gender Balance In Training Data Affect Face Recognition Accuracy?

Deep learning methods have greatly increased the accuracy of face recognition, but an old problem still persists- accuracy is usually higher for men than women. It is often speculated that lower accuracy for women is caused by under-representation in …

Analysis of Gender Inequality In Face Recognition Accuracy

We present a comprehensive analysis of how and why face recognition accuracy differs between men and women. We show that accuracy is lower for women due to the combination of (1) the impostor distribution for women having a skew toward higher …

Issues Related to Face Recognition Accuracy Varying Based on Race and Skin Tone

Face recognition technology has recently become controversial over concerns about possible bias due to accuracy varying based on race or skin tone. We explore three important aspects of face recognition technology related to this controversy. Using …

A Method for Curation of Web-Scraped Face Image Datasets

Web-scraped, in-the-wild datasets have become the norm in face recognition research. The numbers of subjects and images acquired in web-scraped datasets are usually very large, with number of images on the millions scale. A variety of issues occur …

Does Face Recognition Accuracy Get Better With Age? Deep Face Matchers Say No

Previous studies generally agree that face recognition accuracy is higher for older persons than for younger persons. But most previous studies were before the wave of deep learning matchers, and most considered accuracy only in terms of the …

Identity Document to Selfie Face Matching Across Adolescence

Matching live images ("selfies") to images from ID documents is a problem that can arise in various applications. A challenging instance of the problem arises when the face image on the ID document is from early adolescence and the live image is from …

Characterizing the Variability in Face Recognition Accuracy Relative to Race

Many recent news headlines have labeled face recognition technology as biased or racist. We report on a methodical investigation into differences in face recognition accuracy between African-American and Caucasian image cohorts of the MORPH dataset. …

Multi-Label Action Unit Detection on Multiple Head Poses with Dynamic Region Learning

This paper presents a multi-label Action Unit (AU) detection method applied on multi-pose facial images. Action Unit detection on multiple head poses is an issue that robust AU detectors must deal with, as it is uncommon for a person to maintain …